Thursday 1 December 2016

New Crypto Currency UR - Distributed Via A World-wide Airdrop, Based on Ethereum

What is UR?

UR is a decentralized cryptographic information, application, and contract platform and a coin of the same name. The UR coin will be fairly distributed to all humans on Earth via the "UR Airdrop," with each human receiving 2,000 UR initially and additional amounts as described below. Based on the project design, 90% of all UR ever created will be distributed to UR users, and our goal is that every person on the planet receive UR within 30 months of launch.

UR is intended to be a secure, useful world currency, and its design addresses the money supply and distribution flaws that have prevented existing cryptocurrencies from becoming truly useful currencies for the whole of humanity.

Historically, cryptocurrencies have been only distributed to small numbers of miners, coin creators (pre-mines), and investors (ICOs). These faulty distribution schemes have severely stunted the adoption of cryptocurrencies. UR solves this problem through a distribution model that provides free cryptocurrency to every human and incentivizes every member of the community to actively spread the word to all in his or her social network.

UR also addresses the inflation and deflation problems that plague other monetary systems. (For an overview of why inflation and deflation are both bad for a monetary system, see

Because UR is only created when a new economic actor—a human who proves his or her identity—joins the community, the money supply of UR grows in lockstep with the size of the UR economy, preventing runaway inflation. After the entire world population has received UR, UR’s money supply will then grow predictably at the global annual birth rate of 1.9%. Finally, the UR Future Fund (UFF) also helps curb inflation through a measured, transparent, and predictable release of 50% of all UR in existence to its users in a democratically informed distribution geared to undergird the currency’s security, integrity, and usefulness.

Furthermore, UR solves the deflation problem by replacing a fixed money supply cap (such as that of Bitcoin) with a moving cap based on the user population and worldwide population growth.

Note that, although a full-scale deflationary trap is avoided by the design of UR, during the initial few years after launch, there will be a varying, but generally increasing, quantity of goods and services being transacted in UR. We expect this to lead to some volitility and UR deflation before the price level stabilizes.

The UR Future Fund (UFF)

Half of all UR minted will be set asside in the UR Future Fund (UFF) and distributed monthly to users in measured releases paced over a decade commencing not before 12 months and not after 13 months following the minting of the UR to be distributed.  100% of the UFF must be distributed to the human beings who comprise the UR community, and UFF funds will be transparent and easily monitored by any party worldwide via the blockchain. Additionally, UFF distribution amounts and release dates will be published well in advance.

The the UFF is charged with distributing 100% of its funds in ways that “promote the stability, integrity, and usefulness of the UR currency for all of humankind.” Distribution rules for these funds will be determined in large part by proposals solicited from- and voted on by UR users.

Governance Structure

The UR Project is managed by UR Technology Inc., a private company based in the Cayman Islands with a dual mission of providing shareholder value and improving the stability, integrity and usefulness of UR. UR Technology is responsible for significant decisions such as deciding what features or updates to publish. It consists of two divisions: the UR Core Team and the UR Community:

The UR Team consists of qualified, experienced, professional developers and industry figures with long term contributing histories to several lead projects, companies, and communities related to cryptocurrency and blockchain technology.

UR will depend on its community in order to reach its full potential. Once the UR Money App is launched (expected in late October), you can join the UR Community by downloading the app and signing up (see below). In the meantime, the best way to participate in the UR Community is to join our Slack team. To request an invitation to our slack team, visit .

Finally, you can mine UR by following the instructions below under "Mining".

Coin Spec

Algorithm: Dag

Block Target: 15 seconds

Listen Port: 19595

RPC Port: 9595

Premine: 7 coins

Block Reward: The block reward is divided into two parts: a Miner Reward and an Airdrop Reward. The Miner Reward consists of 7 * ( n + 1 ) UR, where n is the number of newly signed up users whose identity has been certified within the current block by the Identity Authority. For the Airdrop Reward, 10,000 UR are authorized to be minted for each new user identity certification and are distributed as follows: a) 2,000 UR to the user signing up, b) 2,000 UR to the users directly or indirectly responsible for referring the new user (see details below), c) 5,000 UR to the UR Future Fund (UFF) which will be distributed to users in a publicly identifiable way (see UFF section above), and d) Between 0 and 1,000 UR to UR Technology for maintenance of the network (see details below).

The 2,000 UR from part b) above associated with a new user A are distributed as follows:.
60.60 UR to the person B who directly referred the new user A.
60.60 UR to the person C who originally referred B.
121.21 UR to the person D who originally referred C.
181.81 UR to the person E who originally referred D.
303.03 UR to the person F who originally referred E.
484.84 UR to the person G who originally referred F.
787.91 UR to the person H who originally referred G.

This 1,000 UR from part d) above will be waived if the total minted coins per identified users exceeds the target of 10,000 UR.

Launch Details

We have hosted a Public Devnet to allow users to install, configure, and test the software, prepare their miners, and familiarize themselves with UR. We want everyone to have a fair start and be able to mine UR from the moment it launches. This is for testing only and tokens mined on the devnet will not carry over into the main launch.

The Main Launch of the the real persistent UR blockchain will take place 18 October 2016 18:18 UTC.

Frequently Asked Questions

This FAQ shown below is a first version, so please check out the FAQ Section of our website for additional or more up-to-date answers to commonly asked questions.

Q: What is the difference between UR and Similar Projects?
A: The most important difference is that the UR currency is being airdropped to all people on the planet earth. To access the airdrop and receive 2,000 UR, a user only needs to download the UR Money mobile app and have their identity verified through our partnership with Trulioo ( The UR Money app is in its final phase of testing and will be released on the Google Play Store and Apple App Store soon. A user can also receive UR via mining by downloading our go client (gur) from

Q: What is the difference between the Devnet Launch and the Main Launch?
A: The UR Devnet Launch exists so we can allow everyone to install, prepare, and test mining configurations and client software in advance of the UR Main Launch. This will allow  for a more fair and evenly distributed launch allowing everyone to be fully prepared to participate when it goes live. The Devnet is for testing only, may be subject to occasional resets and stress/fault tests, and should not be considered stable in the long term. The Main Launch is the actual launch of UR, and is when users and miners can mine/exchange real UR coins, create  and execute smart contracts, and make full use of the platform and technology.

Q: How can I keep up-to-date on the UR project?
A: There are a few ways:
* Follow us on Twitter:
* Join Our Slack Team:
* Bookmark our Websites: (for updates on the coin) (for updates on the UR Money App)

Q: I am a non-technical enthusiast. How can I help?
A: You can sign up with the UR Money app as soon as it launches. (Keep an eye on and for updates on the coin and for updates on the UR Money launch.) Once the UR Money App launches, you can also receive UR for user you refer to UR and even for the referrals generated by the people you refer. You can mine UR (see below) or buy some on Exchanges later once it is available there.

Q: I am a developer, how can I contribute to the UR project?
A: The potential of UR is massive, but application of its power is lacking. What is needed most are DApp and Contract Developers. The UFF will provide bountied incentives and rewards to qualifying Dapp and contract developers. For those wishing to contribute to the official project, we are currently drafting and will soon publish Contribution Guideline documents for developer contribution. In the mean time, you can participate by requesting an invite to our UR Slack team:

Q: Is there an ICO?
A: There is no ICO or reserve or form of crowdfunding. There was a very small premine (7 coins) which is used for administration and testing.

Q: What is the UR Future Foundation?
A: The UR Future Foundation (UFF) is a set of funds managed by the UR Technology. The UFF receives 5,000 UR for each person who signs up to participate in the UR Community via the UR Money App. These funds will be given to community members who contribute to the security, stability, and usefulness of UR through sponsored research, UR-related software projects, charitable giving, and other community outreach that benefits the entire UR community.

Q: How do we know the UFF Funds won’t be dumped on an exchange?
A: The UFF funds will be trackable through publicly auditable addresses and announced transactions.

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